What is an Earth Empath?

Empaths are highly sensitive individuals, who tend to absorb the emotional energy of others into their bodies. In addition to an emotional connection to those around them, empaths can also have an emotional connection with plants and animals. However, there is a unique type of Empath sensitive to the spirit of the Earth, also known as Gaia. These are the special beings known as Earth Empaths.

Empaths can experience deeply positive and nourishing emotions, when they are surrounded by positive and healthy people and environments. But empaths can burn out, and experience anxiety from sensory overload. This especially happens when surrounded by negative situations, people and environments. If you are an empath, it is essential that you develop your ability to center your energy. Also important, is to develop spiritual protection practices, such as setting clear personal boundaries. Finally, spending time alone in meditation and contemplation, can recharge the spiritual energy of the empath.

What Precisely is an Earth Empath?

An Earth Empath is one who is very intune with the natural world. They are uniquely intune with the Earth’s changes, such as the change of seasons, weather, earthquakes, etc. Are you are highly intuitive and sensitive to Earth’s environment and it’s changes? Do you feel it in your body? Then you are probably an Earth Empath.

The beauty of the Earth can nourish and sustain an Earth Empath. You feel what happens to the Earth, as if it is connected to your body. While the beauty of nature can be energizing and uplifting to an Earth Empath, a polluted environment can leave an Earth Empath feeling depressed. A highly sensitive Earth Empath can even become physically ill. Earth Empaths are highly sensitive to changes in the weather, and particularly the amount of sunlight. Becauae of this, Earth Empaths can experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This occurs when the days are shorter, and there is less sunlight. This results in a feeling of sadness during the winter.

If you are an Earth Empath, you can experience anxiety, or health problems, when nature is harmed or destroyed. Becuase your body feels intimately connected to the Earth, and you can experience environmental changes as if it’s happening to you. Earth Empaths may have dreams or premonitions about natural disasters. They can feel it within their body, even if the disaster is hundreds of miles away. If you think you are an Earth Empath, be aware of how your body reacts during environmental disasters. Pay attention if there are forest fires, hurricanes or earthquakes. Identifying how you react during a natural disaster, can help you put your feelings and reactions into context.

Earth Empaths are also highly sensitive to solar flares. These are the magnetic storms on the sun. They effect the magnetic fields of the Earth, and in turn, effect our bodies. Also, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados seem to be triggered by intense solar activity. During these intense solar flares, an Earth Empath can experience feelings of anxiety. Likewise, Earth Empaths can experience headaches, mood swings, or heart palpitations. In fact, there is a demonstrable correlation between solar flares and an increase in episodes of bipolar disorder. Also, as reports of anxiety and depression increase during solar flares. In the same vein, revolutions, riots and social unrest are also known to intensify with solar flares. The sun is responsible for fostering all life on Earth, and when it goes through changes, we can feel it.

To stay healthy as an Earth Empath, you need a regular connection with the Earth. To an Earth Empath, the Earth and its elements feel like family. Indeed, the sun and moon have always felt like old friends. But ironically, Earth Empaths can have a hard time adjusting to life on this planet. This is because of the need to connect to the Earth’s energy. This must be done, so that they can fully inhabit their bodies. Consequently, Earth Empaths should spend time by the ocean, and in the forests and mountains. Anywhere they can connect with nature, and feel at home, is the place for an Earth Empath.

To strengthen the connection to the Earth, Earth Empaths should eat clean, organic foods, and use herbal remedies. Indeed, junk food is bad for your health, because of the toxic, chemical ingredients. But more important to the Earth Empath, ‘fake food’ also separates you from the Earth. Earth Empaths should also practice Earth grounding; lie down flat on the Earth, and soak up it’s strength and positive energy. Wading and swimming in lakes, rivers or the ocean, is also beneficial. It’s important for the Earth Empath to walk bare foot. To communicate with the Earth, just tune in and ask yourself, “What do you feel?” Allow any emotional or physical impression to come to mind.

In Aboriginal traditions, Earth Empaths practice the art of Earth Medicine. This is the act of protecting and treasuring our precious Mother Earth. As an Earth Empath, this is your purpose. Above all, it is the way for you to feel fulfilled, happy, and whole. Mother Earth is yours, to be revered and cared for, and in turn, she will care for and revere you.

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