White Wicca Book of Shadows Android App

White Wicca magick spells for love, money, protection. Correspondences for herbs, crystals and gemstones, elemental correspondences, planets and moon, colors, incense and essential oil correspondences. Online books:“Your Forces and How to Use Them”“The Secret Science Behind Miracles”“The Power and Use of Thought” Online divination tools for Tarot, I-Ching, Runes, psychic […]

What is the Tarot?

The Tarot is a card game, which comes to us from Medieval times, where it was use as an oracle. The tarot is also respected for it’s spiritual significance, and the cards are highly valued as a repository of ancient traditions and symbols. In these cards secret societies studied the basic […]

What Are the Runes?

Runes are the alphabet of the ancient northern European tribes, the northern Celts, the Vikings, and ancient Germans. Runes came into usage at least two centuries before the common era, and may have evolved after contact with the “civilized” people of the Mediteranean. The word rune is believed to have […]

What are Zener Cards?

Click here for our free Zener card test. Dr. J. B. Rhine initiated the scientific approach to parapsychology at Duke University in 1930. Zener cards were invented by Dr. Rhine, who is widely considered to be the “Father of Modern Parapsychology.” He named the cards after his research associate, Dr. Carl Zener. Dr. […]